Attention Gulf Coast Anglers: Catch a Tagged Ling and Get REWARDED!

Center for Sportfish Science and Conservation researchers are tagging Cobia (Ling) with pop-up satellite archival transmitting tags (PSATs) to understand more about this popular sportfish. Check out the video for more information and what do to if you catch one of these fish.
Many anglers have reported declining ling landings over the past several years. Based on this angler-driven information, Texas Parks and Wildlife and federal agencies have begun funding additional assessments of Texas’ ling populations. Areas of particular interest are post-release survival in the hook and line fishery, habitat use patterns along the Texas coast, and seasonal movements to evaluate ling stock mixing (if any) between U.S. and Mexican waters. Mixing has significant implications for management, especially if the degree of stock overlap between the U.S. Gulf and Mexican waters is high.

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